Monday, September 28, 2009

return from hiatus

SO, no need to apologize... Right? No one is looking. The fact that I took an unintentional hiatus went altogether unnoticed, I'm sure. SO, here we go!

First day of fall today. Felt like if I jumped up in the air, the wind might just carry me forward a bit. It was so windy, I thought I saw the Sears Tower swaying a bit.

Lots of exciting bits and pieces, but most of all I am happy for fall. Sweaters and scarves, Hot chocolate and punkin spice coffee make my day in a way that nothing else really can. In honor of the pure happiness of a hot spicy/sweet drink on a truly blustery day, I'm going to begin creating my list of "favorite things". Why? because I have just as much of a stake on a tiny corner of cyberspace as a thousand silly cats eating spaghetti, or a million pop up ads. In other words, why not?

MOVIES*, one of a kind scarves that are actually fully functional, a very cute pair of socks, highlighters with a stack sticky post-it strips built into them, a bus that doesn't smell, finding new songs on my own ipod, family and friends who are really interested in knowing me,
the soft spot of my cat's armpit, well dressed men, overhearing an interesting conversation, a day without anxiety, chimeneas, fire pits, bonfires, the smell of cedar smoking, perfectly shaped booths in restaurants with good food, seeing my best girlfriends for cocktails or movies or just catching up, waking up on vacation and knowing i am going somewhere new today, good cheese, bread and wine when it's chilly out and I have no where to be for an few hours, a fantastic book of chick lit, understanding what Shakespeare meant to say, when a kid asks me a question, ivy covering my window and light filtering through, seeing the same shadows over and over again (like the shadow that the name of the restaurant I used to work at made on the opposite wall about an hour before the night shift started- every day for so many years!), when my husband laughs in his sleep, when my mom texts me, when my friends say they love me, A walkway lined with trees who's leaves are all bright golden yellow, new erasers, those black and white composition books, ellipses and my own mind.

*(just a few)
Party Girl
Gosford Park
Shakespeare in Love
City of God
Parent Trap (original with Haley Mills)
Never Ending Story
the Rescuers

Okay. Of course there's more. but the name of the game is make regular posts, so that's what popped into my head and that's about th attention span I have today for talking with myself. Anthony Bourdain is staying in a fantastic resort in Patagonia and I have a paper on God:Nature in Pope and Wordsworth's writing to chip away at.

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